вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

brucia carlie mother

These are some of the top upgrades and positive calls we are seeing this Tuesday morning on Wall Street:

  • AuthenTec (AUTH) Started At Buy at Stanford Group.

  • CBRL Group (CBRL) Raised to Outperform at Raymond James.

  • Cheesecake Factory (CAKE) Raised to Outperform at Raymond James.

  • Darden Restaurants (DRI) Raised to Outperform at Raymond James.

  • Kroger (KR) Raised to Buy at Jefferies.

  • Lions Gate (LGF) Raised to Buy at Jefferies.

  • Panera Bread (PNRA) Raised to Outperform at Raymond James.

  • PharMerica (PMC) Started as Outperform at Oppenheimer.

  • Volterra Semiconductor (VLTR) Raised to Buy at Piper Jaffray.

Jon C. Ogg
October 21, 2008

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

dfi lanparty nf4 review

In these last two months of being a new me, I have had a lot of time to reflect.
I realized that I never once loved you.
Not even a little bit.
Iapos;m sorry I used you to get over loving someone else.
Iapos;m sorry for being too lazy and too tired to leave you for so long.
Iapos;m sorry I wasted so much time and so much effort on something so completely pointless.
Iapos;m sorry I�never told you this to your face.
Iapos;m sorry I was so nice for so long because you really didnapos;t deserve it.
Iapos;m happy I finally decided to stop trying to keep you from getting hurt.
Iapos;m happy I never cried after you left that morning.
Iapos;m happy I found something else in life thatapos;s not you.
I hope you enjoy being friends with all the people you talked shit about for three years.
Itapos;s sad that youapos;re honestly that pathetic.
Iapos;m happy that Iapos;ve realized all this.

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dick hard shemale

Our internet has been returned to us.� It died on Friday morning.� Nick called ATT on Saturday night, and the guy came and gave us a new modem this morning (dead modem apparently being the problem).

Not much happened in the last three days.� Ben turned four months old.� He is out in the livingroom with Nick right now and making all kinds of noise.� This is his new thing.� Making constant noise because he can.� And he often likes to feel his tongue while heapos;s doing it.� He also loves to hold on to his feet.� And be in his walker.� He gets so excited in that thing and he likes to play with the toys on it, and he can move backwards in it.

I gave him some rice cereal on Friday because he hasnapos;t been sleeping well, seems hungrier than he used to, can sit up (easily) with support, is large (18 1/2 lbs.), and is four months old (all those being reasons I might think he should have rice cereal).� The first ten or fifteen minutes were me shoving the spoon in his mouth and most of it dribbling down his chin.� But then he started figuring it out and would open his mouth and chomp the spoon, and then chew.� Not that there was anything to chew.� It was like feeding him milk with a spoon.� He ate it all though (well, what of it made it into his stomach).� It didnapos;t help the sleeping.� He was up every hour that night, the�most heapos;s woken up since he was like a week old.� Saturday night he decided to wake up at 4:45 and not go back to sleep until 7:30.� Last night was alright though.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

el sujeto historico

I am going to attempt having my own "journal" again. I will start typing my day up on word pad until further notice. This will eliminate me boring my family and boyfriend. The stickers for packing.

Today started out like all other mornings at my place. We woke up at 6 am and I rushed him to his place of work by 6:45 then hurried to my own by 7am. Today Bill and Mike (whose name is actually Mark but I will call him Mike instead because my boyfriendapos;s name is Mark) arrived earlier than usual so by the time I had gotten there they finished recieving in and were readying the stickers for packing. I worked on Excel today to edit items from a certain customer of whom I do not know the name, but it was interesting editing the worksheet. Once Bill and Kenny left some not-so-good news popped up. One of our customers were promised an item that Mike did not quote so it was never ordered and was not at our store. Since it is only him and me during the day I had to go to Reidsville.

Let me explain how this worked out. First off I was unable to back it out because I was too crowded in the backroom (as always). Secondly, it is a truck that both Kenny and Mike have wrecked so it was shaking badly and also (according to Mike) more so than usual. The engine light came on and I was at 1/4 a tank. Bleh, huh? Long story short I had to go to Reidsville in this Dodge that I was scared would break down all the way there and back. It was a...very...interesting experience. A few wrong turns and heart attacks...

By the time I made it back to the store I had an hour to work before I had to leave. This allowed me time to print out my Fastenal tests that are due two weeks from Wednesday.

After work I went to the dollar store to buy some PTs but I was too embarrassed because there were so many people so I went to the jewelry store and Game Stop to waste time until my boyfriend got off work. It was actually kind of boring so I went to Harbor Freight and waited on him by talking to Donnie and Linda. Apparently FL is in a horrible economic decline just like we are. I just figured Danville was in a rough time, that is what I was told to believe.

Mark has finally gotten addicted to FInal Fantasy VII. Another game that will pull attention from little olapos; moi. Better than another girl I suppose. After he was done playing for a while we did our little thing.

When we got back Sasha was at our place, well..Momapos;s (who lives across the street). She talked about her wedding stuff and we went to Hobby Lobby to buy a guestbook, signing pen, garder and checked out her bouquet. It really is prettyWe discussed her and Matt, Mark and I and....well weddings and al lthat weird stuff that makes me feel uncomfortable. I mean Mom has been married 3 times. I donapos;t want to marry but once and to "the one," you know? I feel that Mark will be here for a very long time even though we get on each otherapos;s nerves.

We went to Starbucks after all that and I got a Vanilla Bean Frappicino and it was hoooorrible....well it was okay after my tongue became numb from drinking it.

Today is almost at an end and all I can think about are bills and when I will get paid. My new job held my first check but I thought that I would get paid today. I guess not since it is not in the system yet. I hope that tomorrow goes well we have a lot of things to do. I hate to overload Mark but I need a lot of his help this weekend.

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against amnesty international

iapos;m here again.. HAHA .. Bored... So decided to update.. Hmmz... Had ISPE�talk yst... To tell you the truth.. Itapos;s quite boring.. Haha.. Didnt expect it to be sooo boring.. The only thing that i remembered is the pictures of bridges.. Haha� so while apos;listeningapos; .. Managed to take this:-

Angelia and miie itapos;s blur though .. Sigh .. My phone camera quality is super no good .. HAHA.... So sad.. We arent in the same class... AGAIN .. HAIZ... Nvm .. At least sheapos;s in the same lecture theatre.. HAHA

Went for bncoc meeting just now.. Just for a while .. In a blink .. Bncoc will start .. S2 is more or less done with the planning.. But still have things to settle.. Haha .. After that .. Rushed home and visited my grandfather in hospital .. Wouldnt want to elaborate why he is in hospital.. Itapos;s frustationg talking about it .. Sometimes i just wish ... Hehe .. Watever ... Wouldnt want to say anything here as INTRUDERS might read it .. Hehe... So itapos;ll be safe with miie only .. HAHA�..

then .. Continued the last visiting to my oh-so-whatever aunty..� haiz .. I think iapos;ve been walking too much .. Now my legs are aching and blistering .. And i think i sprained my ankle again .. Coz the pain is the same as last time.. CRAP .. Doubt iapos;ll be attending the meeting tmr .. Shoot

oh .. Almost forgot .. Visited my PRIMARY school malay teacher too�.. Haha .. Sheapos;s cool .. :) .. Fyi .. She teaches every single one of my siblings including miie .. How cool is that�??.. I doubt any teacher have taught like this .. If have .. Nudge miie�.. Haha .. Even my mom is close to her man .. Haha ..�my mom treat her like her younger sis .. Cool right ?.. Haha ..�

pictures with her

i dont know why the hell my bro didnt smile like "ayam berak kapur sehapos;.. Humph

Eldest to the youngest� please�.. :DDD

as per normal .. Last but not the least ..

miie, myself .. And I

haha .. Ok . Thatapos;s all for today ...

gtg ..


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Iapos;m so stupid u_u

I was typing to Kaci, and she wasnapos;t typing back. Sheapos;s having a bad day today and she feels really horrible. When she stopped typing I paniced because I was afraid she was hurting herself. So I picked up my cell phone and she didnapos;t pick up. So I got nervous because I HATE leaving messages. I hate apos;em a lot because I get nervous. So I did exactly what I thought would happen. I got nervous, and I DID get my point across but in such a childish manner and...god did I sound sarcastic? Oh god I donapos;t even know...I donapos;t even know- I canapos;t believe it was me talking. I told her she was crazy...Iapos;m so used to telling Jennifer and Tracey there crazy and it makes them laugh, but I said that and I was thinking "SHIT" because that probably didnapos;t help >_< Oh god I have no clue what to do now. Sheapos;s away right now and Iapos;m really nervous and worried...

I really look up to Kaci. I really do and Iapos;m not sure why but I do. I like her better than a lot of my other friends. Christina is always busy with her b/f she never has any time to hang out with me...so our friendship is very dim but its still their. Jennifer is cool, but itapos;s not the same And Britney? I look up to her too. I think Britney and Kaci are probably the most decent friends I have right now. Christina is just into all kind of political crap I donapos;t even care about. We have nothing to talk about anymore... Things are getting weird.

Another fear clogging my brain cells is that, what if Britney doesnapos;t go to Ramona next year? If she doesnapos;t...then...god itapos;d be just horrible. I wouldnapos;t have an artistical fun friend to be around and Iapos;d be sad...because Britney always cheered me up. Just like Kaci always does when Iapos;m sad. Sometimes Iapos;m sad, and I donapos;t even say anything because Iapos;ll hide it behind a smile. And then sheapos;ll say something thats funny or interesting that makes me forget about my problems. Britneys like that too, except she can see through my smile because sheapos;s in person. Kaci probably can too though...

Iapos;m just horribley worried...I donapos;t want her to kill herself...or even think about such things. I feel like this is all my fault...somehow it is I just know it...I can feel it in my gut ~_~ Iapos;m gonna go do...something... God I feel real bad...I canapos;t even help What kind of a friend am I o_O?


P.s. Retorical, but Iapos;ll answer with "A bad one" anyways u_u

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

cornerstone affiliates

"If he had only learnt a little less, how infinately better he might have taught much more"

"Say, good Mapos;Choakumchild. When from thy boiling store, thou shalt fill each jar brim full by-and by, dost thou think that thou wilt always kill outright the robber Fancy lurking within - or sometimes only maim him and distort him"

"Why, Mr Bounderby was as near being Mr Gradgrindapos;s bosom friend, as a man perfectly devoid of sentiment can approach that spiritual relationship towards another man perfectly devoid of sentiment. So near was Mr Bounderby - or, if the reader should prefer it, so far off."
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