суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

el sujeto historico

I am going to attempt having my own "journal" again. I will start typing my day up on word pad until further notice. This will eliminate me boring my family and boyfriend. The stickers for packing.

Today started out like all other mornings at my place. We woke up at 6 am and I rushed him to his place of work by 6:45 then hurried to my own by 7am. Today Bill and Mike (whose name is actually Mark but I will call him Mike instead because my boyfriendapos;s name is Mark) arrived earlier than usual so by the time I had gotten there they finished recieving in and were readying the stickers for packing. I worked on Excel today to edit items from a certain customer of whom I do not know the name, but it was interesting editing the worksheet. Once Bill and Kenny left some not-so-good news popped up. One of our customers were promised an item that Mike did not quote so it was never ordered and was not at our store. Since it is only him and me during the day I had to go to Reidsville.

Let me explain how this worked out. First off I was unable to back it out because I was too crowded in the backroom (as always). Secondly, it is a truck that both Kenny and Mike have wrecked so it was shaking badly and also (according to Mike) more so than usual. The engine light came on and I was at 1/4 a tank. Bleh, huh? Long story short I had to go to Reidsville in this Dodge that I was scared would break down all the way there and back. It was a...very...interesting experience. A few wrong turns and heart attacks...

By the time I made it back to the store I had an hour to work before I had to leave. This allowed me time to print out my Fastenal tests that are due two weeks from Wednesday.

After work I went to the dollar store to buy some PTs but I was too embarrassed because there were so many people so I went to the jewelry store and Game Stop to waste time until my boyfriend got off work. It was actually kind of boring so I went to Harbor Freight and waited on him by talking to Donnie and Linda. Apparently FL is in a horrible economic decline just like we are. I just figured Danville was in a rough time, that is what I was told to believe.

Mark has finally gotten addicted to FInal Fantasy VII. Another game that will pull attention from little olapos; moi. Better than another girl I suppose. After he was done playing for a while we did our little thing.

When we got back Sasha was at our place, well..Momapos;s (who lives across the street). She talked about her wedding stuff and we went to Hobby Lobby to buy a guestbook, signing pen, garder and checked out her bouquet. It really is prettyWe discussed her and Matt, Mark and I and....well weddings and al lthat weird stuff that makes me feel uncomfortable. I mean Mom has been married 3 times. I donapos;t want to marry but once and to "the one," you know? I feel that Mark will be here for a very long time even though we get on each otherapos;s nerves.

We went to Starbucks after all that and I got a Vanilla Bean Frappicino and it was hoooorrible....well it was okay after my tongue became numb from drinking it.

Today is almost at an end and all I can think about are bills and when I will get paid. My new job held my first check but I thought that I would get paid today. I guess not since it is not in the system yet. I hope that tomorrow goes well we have a lot of things to do. I hate to overload Mark but I need a lot of his help this weekend.

dance history time line, el sujeto historico, el sujeto morfologico, el sultan, el super agente 86.

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